Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Typical Culture Indonesia

1. Traditional Javanese Wedding Ceremony

Traditional Javanese Mantenan

Wedding ceremony in Indonesia are carried out in accordance with local custom respectively. Traditional Javanese wedding ceremony for example, must be conducted in accordance with the order. Javanese traditional wedding ceremonies are as follows:
1. Spray ceremony the bride's son and daughter.
2. Evening ceremony midodareni
3. Akad nikah ceremony / consent granted
4. Ceremony Panggih / Intersection
                                                                                    5. ceremony reception

Wedding Ceremony SIRAMAN son or daughter

Spray ceremony was held the day before the ceremony (consent granted). Ceremony held by / according to their respective religion and this does not affect the course of traditional ceremonies. The steps that need to be considered at the ceremony spray are:
a) The Princess Bride Siraman
• princess bride at the ceremony wearing a cloth should be washed with a dirangkapi Grompol motif with a clean white cloth over two meters and the bride her hair.
• The bride is in charge of watering:
Mr. and Mrs. bride, Mr. and Mrs. followed by the bride's son, passed on by older people and families who have been deemed appropriate as an example. This spray was continued and concluded and the final makeup was done by the bride alone, you should use warm water to the bride who does not catch cold watered.

b) Siraman Bridal Son
Ritual sequence spray bride's son is the same as the bride sirama only the first flush is the father of the bride's son.
After the ceremony the bride spray finished, the bride's son to the place of accommodation which is not far from the place of residence of the bride. In this case the bride's son has not been allowed to stay home with the bride. While the bride change clothes after being washed with fashion Kerik, the bride will cut in front of the hair on the forehead evenly.

Step By Step procession Siraman

Pasatan brides who wore clothing and fabric spray with hair loose, picked up by her parents and escorted them to the place the ceremony followed by the pinisepuh and carrier carrying a set of clothing consisting of a piece of cloth grompol motif, a motif fabric dress nogosari and other equipment placed regularly on a tray cloth and equipment that will be used after the ceremony finished. Once in place of the ceremony, the bride and groom may be seated in place that have been provided.
Bride's parents - the father first, then mother - started watering or megguyur bride with clean water that has been sprinkled with flower spray and is meant two green coconut coir tied therein. Previously may begin with prayer according to religion or belief respectively (prayer does not need to say). At the time flushed may be accompanied by giving foreign konyoh color, and londho straw, then ends with a splash of three times in the head. After that followed by pinisepuh. There is no provision regarding the number of people who bathe. The more the better, provided that the number is odd, by the Paes muloni interpreter. Muloni in this case nothing to do with wulu or wudlu, namely cleaning the face, hands and feet before prayer.
Paes interpreter or other officials to end this ceremony with muloni. Do the following:

After washing hair interpreter Paes and clean it with a filter, really clean, interpreters and Paes took the jug of water sources. Water poured from the jug into the bride's head three times.
Then, the bride and groom must take the attitude of the hand as if people would purify themselves before prayer. Paes interpreter jug ​​of water poured into the hands of the bride and groom to be used to rinse a third time.
Furthermore, water is poured again to cleanse the face, neck, and the last leg. Each also three times.
Having run out of water jugs, interpreters Paes said the words, Wis. pamore broken, as he broke the pitcher in front of the bride and groom.

Furthermore, the prospective bride a shower and went out of the shower wearing a motif fabric and the lid body grompol nogosari fabric. Accompanied by her parents, the bride and groom to the bride's room followed by the pinisepuh.
This applies both SIRAMAN ceremony for the bride and groom both men and women. Implementation is usually at home respectively. If the splash of water held in place grooms bride, a bride is earlier than the groom. Supplies ceremony just one device as described before. Of course, the fabric used in the shower is not the same, but a similar motive.

2. Midodareni

Midodareni derived from the word widodari (Java), which means fairy princess of heaven is very beautiful and very fragrant baunya.Midodareni usually performed between the hours of 18:00 until 24.00 hours is referred to as night midodareni, the prospective bride should not sleep. We will carry out midodaren no advice-advice and advice and prayers and hope that in simbulkan in:
Tips, Prayer, and Hope is symbolized in:

Kembarmayang pair (mounted in the bridal suite)
Klemuk pair (pot) filled with spices Pawon, seeds, medicinal, medicinal, and two strands to close up tulak klemuk earlier
A pair of jugs filled with holy water which cucuknya covered with leaves dadap srep (bone leaf / leaf stalk), Mayang jambe (betel nut), betel leaves are decorated with chalk.
Tray that contains pieces of pandan leaves, shredded kencur, galangal, kaffir lime, perfumes, this tray is placed under the right to sleep so that the room smelled of perfume.

As with the completion of 24.00 hours midodareni as prospective brides and their families can eat a meal that consists of:

Savory Rice
A pair of chicken cooked sheets (ingkung, Java)
Pecel sauce, pencok sauce, fresh vegetables
Bread, brown sugar
Black coffee and unsweetened tea
Salad degan
Juplak coconut oil lamps for lighting (ancient)

Ceremony Langkahan

Langkahan derived from the basic steps (Java), which means the jump, here are intended langkahan ceremony if the bride were married precedes the unmarried sister, the ceremony begins before the bride and groom are required to ask permission to the brother who bypassed.

3. Akad nikah ceremony

Marriage ceremony (from the Arabic 'aqd =) or consent qabul a wedding vow. The meaning of the ceremony is to consent rather than the guardians of women or ceremonies are always performed by a Naga village community is solitude Ceremony, Ceremony Sasih intent, and the Marriage Ceremony. Solat circumcision Marriage is one of prayer and circumcision may be performed before and after the marriage ceremony. Solat circumcision before marriage is done before the majlis akad nikah

Marriage ceremony (from the Arabic 'aqd =) or consent qabul a wedding vow. The meaning of the ceremony is to consent rather than the guardians of women or to lead the ceremony AND SHOPPING. Following customary resam, brings shopping usually implemented in advance and berasingan with ceremony ceremony, but at times the husband is so Vivacious after a solemnisation ceremony.

4. Ceremony Panggih

Panggih or Gathering of the meeting between a beautiful bride with the groom in front of a beautiful house decorated with plants Tarub.

Groom in between by his family, arrived at the home of the bride's parents and stops at the front gate.

The bride, in between the two elder women, walked out of the bridal chamber. Her parents and close family walked behind him. In front of her two daughters called Broken, with a fan. Two women or two elder sons carrying two twin Mayang a height of about one meter or more. One woman from the family of the groom walked out of line and give Sanggan to the mother of the bride, as a token of appreciation to the host of the ceremony.

During the ceremony Panggih, Mayang Twins are transported out of the house and placed at the intersection near the house, illustrates that the devil will not interfere during the ceremony at home and in the vicinity. For decor, two twin Mayang placed in right and left side of the bridal couple chairs. Decorating is only used when the bridal couple had never married.

5. ceremony reception

traditional ceremonies and receptions:

Dahar uUpacara kembul:
The couple should eat together and feeding one another three times. The food in the form of yellow rice, with scrambled eggs, etc., then drank sweet tea.
Buy rice yellow in Gasibu lho .. because forgetfulness.

Ceremony mertui (pick-laws):
Parents pick Yanti Rusdi parents who may not previously present at the ceremonial site.
They walked together to the altar: two women walked in front, and both father walked behind.
Then parents Rusdi sit on the left side of the bridal couple, and Jackie's parents on the right.

ResepsiUpacara Sungkeman:
Sungkem to ask the blessing of their parents. First to Yanti's parents, then to parents Rusdi.
During Sungkeman, kris Rusdi first released

Ring exchange ceremony:
Finally, witnessed by both sets of parents, bridal pair each ring as a token of love.

Wedding shower:
After a series of ceremonies all over, the guests began to arrive. Celebration event lasted 3 hours. Only after that the bride and parents to eat together.

nah that's had a variety of typical Indonesian wedding ceremonies are arranged in sequence and every society must pass through stages in particular Java demitahapan time of marriage ceremonies.

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